Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I pledge allegiance, to your DEATH.

What could be so freaking important under your nail that you can't stand up for the people who died for your ungrateful ass?
"I don't wanna stand up"
And I don't want to keep myself from punching you, but I stop my fists from hurtling at your disgusting, thankless face every second of every moment of every day that I see you.
I'd bet anything this is only day one of this bullshit.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Dear Temple,

If you love me, you'll show up and click on ads and shit just to make me some small amounts of easy money :3

or vote on the poll thingy to the left so I can do something of minor value :D

<3 you

Okay, so.

My first recorded fan theory is as follows:

Axis Powers Hetalia -
Germany loves Italy.
Germany is Holy Roman Empire.
Germany is going to propose to Italy in a hilarious failure type of way, as per the web comic.
Russia is ronery and has probably raped another country by now.
Greece and Japan will bond lovingly further and further vicariously through cats.
America will mirror Rome, and therefore fall.

God I love this show.
GermanyxItaly FTW